You can make a refund within 30 calendar days of your purchase if you haven't yet submitted an assessment to your designated assessor. If you have submitted the assessment then there shall be some deductions before the refund is processed. Don't worry, we shall only charge you the actual cost and will not financially burden you as we want to maintain our credibility as fair and transparent.  

24 Months. 

Yes, All qualification we offer are Ofqual Regulated through ProQual Awarding Body which is highly renowned. 

No. If your submitted evidence doesn't meet the criteria, the assessor shall advise you to re-submit with additional evidence/details. You can re-submit as many times as you want.  

Your certificate from the awarding body shall only be claimed once you make the 100% payment. You can either wait for 12 months or pay the outstanding amount in a lump sum and we shall claim your final Qualification Certificate accordingly.